7. Olympic Summer Games
Olympic Medals in the games of 1920 in Antwerpen
438 Medals in 24 Sports in 155 Events
Two years after the end of the First World War, the Olympic Games were held in Antwerp, which was completely destroyed. The aggressors of the First World War Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey were excluded. The newly founded Soviet Union declined an invitation, it should not take until 1952 for the first participation. Finland, which declared itself independent of Russia a year earlier, first competed under its own flag. For the first time, over 2,500 athletes took part in the games, the proportion of women was still modest at 65.
The opening ceremony, at which Victor Boin, a medalist in fencing, spoke the Olympic oath for the first time, took place on April 20, and the closing ceremony on September 12. The Olympic Rings, which symbolize the 5 continents, celebrated another premiere and there is at least one color of each flag in the world in the rings. The Olympic Rings have become one of the most important and well-known symbols in the world. As in 1908 in London, competitions in winter sports took place again. This time in addition to figure skating, ice hockey for the first time.
It is worth noting that the Swedish marksman Oscar Swahn won his last silver medal at these games at the age of 72 and 279 days and is still the oldest medalist of all time. He will probably stay there forever.
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