Hammer Throw
on August 22, 2004 in Athens
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Olympic Medals in this event
1 Medal
Hammer Throw
on August 22, 2004
in Athen
82.91In the first round, the Hungarian Andrián Annusan took the lead, in the third attempt he increased to 83.19 m. In the fifth attempt, the Belarusian Ivan Tikhon threw the hammer to 79.81 m. In retrospect, two doping offenses were committed in this competition established. Annus was stripped of his gold medal after failing to attend a doping control scheduled by the International Olympic Committee in Hungary. At a follow-up check in December 2012, Ivan Tikhon, who had moved up to second place after Annus' disqualification with his distance, was also stripped of his medal for doping with the anabolic steroid metandienone. The silver and bronze medals were not re-awarded by the IOC afterwards. Thus, Murofushi became an Olympic champion, winning the only medal in the hammer throw.