43Y 10M 4D
Olympic medals from Tora Berger
4 Medals in 2 Games
2010 - 2014
4x6km Relay
on February 21, 2014
in Sochi
1:10:40.1Ten months after the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi, the German television station ARD broadcast the documentary film “Geheimsache Doping – How Russia makes its winners” and announced the first indications of state-practiced doping in Russia. As a result, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has commissioned an investigation into the system of Russian state doping since 2011. According to chief investigator Richard McLaren, the report was called McLaren Report and resulted in Russia as a state from 2018 being Olympic Games were excluded and only individual, unrestricted athletes were allowed to participate as independent athletes. The Russian team finished second. They were subsequently disqualified based on the McLearen Report because three of the four biathletes were doped. The following teams moved up.